SWEET TALK SOCIAL: a peer-support group for people involved in sex work.

This is an opportunity to connect with people who work in the sex work industry to share advice, experiences and learning. The sessions will be facilitated by artists with experience of the sex work industry and will have a strong focus on developing and sharing creative skills useful within sex work and transferable to other areas. 

When: First Tuesday of every month, 5-8pm  

Where: Our Room Manchester

What you get: Brew, food & £10 Tesco voucher 

Like all our sessions this will be a safe and non-judgemental space. Sessions will be supported by a member of the Support and Advocacy Team, who will be available to arrange one-to-one, confidential appointments around any issues you might be experiencing. If you want to access sexual health testing at the session, please ask and we can provide you with HIV/STI home testing kits or help you arrange an appointment. 

Sweet Talk Social is responsive to what you want and need. It’s an ongoing conversation which we want you to be a part of. We will listen to your feedback and try to include this in Sweet Talk Social sessions going forwards. If you are a creative professional with experience in the sex work industry, and think you have something to offer to Sweet Talk Social please get in touch: hello@ourroom.org.uk