Support #SexWorkPostCovid 

All sex workers should feel confident to access the support that is available to them. Unfortunately, due to the spread of misinformation and confusion since March 2020, sex workers have not always felt safe and able to access the support they need.

About the resource: Sex workers are disproportionately affected by the pandemic. LGBT Foundation and The Men’s Room consulted a range of sex workers from across Greater Manchester to share tips and advice with those who need to know they’re not alone and that support is available.

This resource was co-produced by staff from Our Room and LGBT Foundation’s Sexual Health Team. Sex workers were consulted during the development of this resource, their contributions forming the basis of the advice outlined. All sex workers were compensated for their time and energy working on this project.

Download the booklet here!

‘Sex Work Post Covid’ was commissioned by Manchester City Council.

It’s best to visit for the most up-to-date Covid-19 restrictions directly from the Government. We recommend that people take the Covid-19 vaccine as soon as it is offered to them, particularly if they’re in a group of people who are classed as medically vulnerable.